This morning I woke to see every major newspaper and blog picking up on a non-story and giving it front page prominence – the supposed admission by an « Iranian politician » (later upgraded to « top politician » and … Lire / Read
World News Reports Now Based on Facebook Comments, Overheard Snippets in Laundromat
Where is the EVIDENCE that Iran had anything to do with the bombings in India, or Georgia (where the bomb did not explode)? Where is the evidence that the Iranian government were responsible for the latest incident in Bangkok? The … Lire / Read
Boucler la boucle
Le Panoptique est mort, vive Le Panoptique! Alors voilà, notre revue bien aimée aura vécu cinq ans bien sonnés. L’équipe de rédaction a décidé de mettre un terme aux activités de publication, le rythme de celles-ci ayant grandement diminué … Lire / Read
Probiotics: Exploring the benefits of an already established relationship
Probiotics are live microorganisms, commonly bacteria, that live symbiotically within the digestive tract. They are often referred to as “good” bacteria and are part of our natural microflora. Evolutionarily speaking, humans and other animals have developed a symbiotic relationship with … Lire / Read
Changer de logique pour réinventer le pays
Le Québec, comme la plupart des sociétés occidentales, est essoufflé et se cherche. Le cynisme de la population à l’endroit de la classe politique est indéniable et les agissements de nos représentants ne font rien pour améliorer la situation. À … Lire / Read
ALL OR NOTHING AT ALL: New Rules for Lifeboat Earth
Now here’s something to think about.
The lawyer for the Norwegian shooter who set off bombs in Oslo killing eight followed by a rampage at a kids’ camp in which he gunned down 70 people, has reported today that the … Lire / Read
The Ethno-photographer. Part II.
This second part of the article adresses the photographic technique and the analysis process of collected information as part of an anthropological research report on poverty in Senegal (Dakar) and Ethiopia (Dire Dawa).
… Lire / ReadGodin : une vie entre poésie et politique
Diffusé en première mondiale le 21 février dernier aux Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois, le documentaire Godin a valu à son réalisateur, Simon Beaulieu, le prix Télé-Québec du documentaire le plus apprécié du public. Retraçant le parcours unique de ce … Lire / Read
La révolution tunisienne. Quand la dignité devient un instinct
Il y a 78 ans, le grand poète Tunisien Abou Alkacem Achebbi (1909-1934) exhortait le peuple Tunisien à la résistance face aux colonisateurs Français en chantant[i] :
Lorsqu’un jour le peuple veut vivre,
Force est pour le destin de … Lire / Read
For thirty years, the U.S. citizen has been conditioned little by little, to accept less. Less protection from unions, less protection from polluters, less protection from bankers and the financial sector, less actual work from the government, less leadership from … Lire / Read