For thirty years, the U.S. citizen has been conditioned little by little, to accept less. Less protection from unions, less protection from polluters, less protection from bankers and the financial sector, less actual work from the government, less leadership from … Lire / Read
Obama’s First Mistake
By not prosecuting Cheney, Rumsfeld, & Co. for their overt war crimes and blatant war profiteering, Mr Obama began his presidency in a relationship of tacit approval of those crimes. What has followed is the result of his never disassociating … Lire / Read
What The World Needs Now: Time for the Mad Tea Party to End
« Our shared belief is that wealth must serve more than the wealthy, that prosperity must serve more than the simply prosperous, that good fortune must help more than those who are just fortunate…inequality should not be woven into … Lire / Read
Pakistan has nuclear weapons. North Korea has nuclear weapons. Israel has nuclear weapons (whether they admit it or not). Iran is going to have nuclear weapons, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.
Well, there is one thing: the … Lire / Read
Civilization vs. Brutalization: Countdown to Armageddon
Over the past months the world has been watching the Americans, and especially President Barack Obama, to see if democracy and the rule of law will continue to decompose in the tomb or resurrect and shine. So far, it doesn’t … Lire / Read
Credit Where None Is Due: Epic Fails Become Wins For GOP
Banks create biggest financial crash since Depression, receive $700+ billion in taxpayer-funded bailout, subsequently cease all lending while raising credit card interest rates/fees to record levels!
President Obama extends war in Afghanistan to include relentless drone-bomber strikes on Pakistan, receives … Lire / Read
The Pink Panther Strikes Again!
What is it about “intelligence” that seems to bring out the stupid in our National Security agencies?
The infamous memo of August 6, 2001, presented at President George W. Bush’s Daily Briefing, was actually titled, “Bin Laden determined to attack … Lire / Read
Le Blackberry et l’isolement du Président

Alors ça y est, le Président Obama et les services secrets se sont entendu, il pourra conserver son Blackberry, et ce malgré les sourcillements des hommes en noir. L’ordinateur portatif de M. Obama faisait déjà coulé de l’encre depuis un … Lire / Read
Obama, le sauveur ?
La campagne présidentielle américaine est bien en marche. John McCain et Barack Obama ont entrepris d’étaler leurs rhétoriques, promesses et plans d’action. Alors qu’Obama jouit déjà d’une avance significative dans les sondages, la lutte risque d’être d’autant plus inégale puisque … Lire / Read